Thursday 16 December 2010

Step by Step Upgrade Guide for Service Manager 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) - Part 2: Management Server

Part 1: Data Warehouse

Part 2 - Management Server Upgrade
This install is rather, erm, easy...

The upgrade guide states that you should logon with an account with administrator rights, I prefer to logon to the server using the account that was used for the initial setup.

Locate the SP1 media files (CD, ISO Mount or extracted files, it's your choice) and run setup.exe in the AMD64 folder (It will always be the AMD64 folder, not the x86 folder as the server components are x64 only). A quick splash screen and short extraction of files will be done.

Step though the wizard, selecting to upgrade Service Manager management server on the first screen then accepting the license terms on the next screen.

Check the pre-requistes screen (Yes I know I'm short on memory but it's my test box!)

On the next screen review the summary.  It's also a good idea to copy & paste the information for later reference/documentation.
Click install and let it get on with installing.

It can take a while, especially on the importing management packs, just be patient.


Untick backup encryption keys as we did that before starting the upgrade.  If you didn't, then do it now!

After upgrading the management server, you should restart the System Center Management services.  It may not need the service bouncing, but while we're working on the system it's certainly not going to damage it.

Use Server Manager to give the System Center Management service a restart by right clicking on it and and then click Restart.

It's worth checking the event log at this point to make sure it's not a sea of red alerts.

First thing (apart from noticing no Red!) I notice is a new type of event in the log, "Data Connectors", and lots of them, 452 in about 20 mins for my setup.

Now I'm guessing (It's a bit hard without proper release notes) that these are better information logging regarding the data flow from the connectors which is great.

Time to start the console, and look, a new splash screen ;)

First impressions are that it feels faster, but I'll need more time to test that.
I went straight to the All Computers view under Configuration Items to see if something I had been waiting for was there, and it was!

Operating System information pulled from Active Directory!

That is, I assume it's pulled from AD.  I say assume as I checked the history tab on several of my CI's and not one of them showed any update from the AD Connector related to Operating System name/version.

I also tried creating a new view to see if the large breadcrumb problem had been fixed.
Well it's not fixed on my test box after an upgrade.  I'll do further testing to see if a fresh slipstreamed install is any better.

Apart from that, it's looking good.
As I get more time with it and also try a slip streamed install I'll post back with some further details.

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