Showing posts with label icons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icons. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Adding icons to views and folders in Service Manager

To add a custom icon to a folder (and a view with similar edits) in Service Manager do the following:
N.B. This assumes you know how to create a management pack to create folders and views in the console.

Place your custom icon as a png file in the same folder as your management pack and name it something sensible (mobilephone16x16.png in this example)

Add a new category to your MP to categorize the Image Resource. Add one for both 16x16 and 32x32 icons if you're going to use both sizes

<Category ID="Category.MobilePhoneFolderImage16x16" Target="Image.MobilePhoneFolder.16x16" Value="System!System.Internal.ManagementPack.Images.u16x16Icon" />

Alter your folder to use the image:

<ImageReference ElementID="Folder.Mobiles" ImageID="Image.MobilePhoneFolder.16x16" />

Reference the custom image for use in the MP in the Resources section

    <Image ID="Image.MobilePhoneFolder.16x16" Accessibility="Public" FileName="mobilephone16x16.png" />

Use powershell to create a management pack bundle, import it and you're away!