Friday 25 May 2012

It's all gone a bit quiet...

Well the blog may have gone a bit quiet, but my life certainly hasn't been hence the lack of posts.

Since coming back from MMS @ Vegas I've been frantically tying up loose ends at work, preparing the new Customer Experience Environment with all the RTM versions, prepping it ready for our customer event (which was a huge success with people queueing up to talk to me about System Center!), demoing and presenting at the event and now I've just finished a series of Webinars on various System Center 2012 components and the Private Cloud in general at a pace of 2 a day for the last week.

In between all this I've had to fit calls in with customers and complete documentation and reports.


I'd like to say it's going to be quieter for the next couple of weeks, but I know it's not from my diary being stacked, but I'm going to deliberately make some more time so I can wrap up some of the following:

  1. Finish the blog posts regarding Building the Private Cloud Customer Experience Center with System Center 2012
  2. Get some work done on my chapters for an upcoming book
  3. Finish and release an updated Asset Management pack for SCSM 2012
  4. Record the presentations I've just done this week on System Center 2012 and the Private Cloud and upload them for all to see

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