Monday 23 January 2012

System Center 2012 Licensing Changes - Knowledge Cast

After the recent announcement last week by Microsoft on the changes being made to the license models for System Center ready for the launch of the 2012 wave, I'd like to share an invitation to a knowledge cast that I will be presenting on these changes.

These significant changes include:
  • Streamlining the complexity of licensing System Center
  • The discontinuation of the Enterprise workload licenses
  • The removal of Management Server Licenses
  • License grants & transition paths available for existing Software Assurance customers

The Knowledge Cast will cover:
  • Review of the licensing changes
  • What these changes will mean to your business
  • The key timelines for pricing & product changes
  • The increased benefits of the System Center 2012 models
*Update- due to demand, we've added an additional session on Thursday morning*
There are four sessions that I'll be presenting on, across two days:
Tuesday January 24th 2012
11:00 – 12:00
14:00 – 15:00
Thursday January 26th
11:00 – 12:00
14:00 – 15:00

I know it's short notice, but these changes were only announced last week and some of the changes have important impact if not acted on quickly.

Places are limited, and aimed at UK based organisations, so booking soon is recommended:

*Usual disclaimer: While I work for Trustmarque Solutions, and this knowledge cast is presented for them by myself, this blog is my personal blog and the writings and opinions contained within this blog are my personal opinions and are not reflective of the thoughts or intentions of my employer*

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