Saturday 15 January 2011

Asset Management Solution for Service Manager 2010

Since I've just put this into our production environment I thought now would be a good time to share this with the world too.

I've posted before about this solution so I won't spend time going over old ground.

You can find the files here:

I've included both the sealed MP's in a "Ready to Import" folder than can be imported straight away into Service Manager for testing and the unsealed xml so that you can see how it's all strung together.

Please read the documentation included in the zip file, before blindly importing.

It's been designed around UK Local Government, so won't fit every environment out-of-the-box but should be very easy to adapt.

If you are adapting it, please remember that if the original MP is sealed, then your customised version will need re-sealing.  If you do this, you'll also need to re-alter all the public keys used in the references in the other MPs.  Short and sweet... reseal ALL the MP's using your own key if you modify it.

If anyone does have any comments, suggestions, etc etc then please please please feed them back to me.  The more people that look at it the more likely someone is to spot something I missed/did wrong.

Also, if you do extend it further, please let me know as it could be useful within my environment too.

There's a known issues section at the end of the documentation file in the package, please read that section and see if there's anything you can help with.  I'll be enternally greatfull if there is!

** Disclaimers **
This is the first release, and may very likely have some issues.
Please test this in a non-live environment first, and don't shout at me if it breaks anything.
This comes with no warranty, expressed or implied.

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