Friday 12 September 2008

Asset Logging

Since we have a revenue stream based on the number of assets out there I set about thinking how we could utilise SCCM to collect data to make the charging/asset logging process more efficient and accurate.

Since our charging is split amongst the different directorates and departments I couldn't just do a count of numbers or I wouldn't be blogging it here ;)

We needed a way to assign a device to a directorate/department and report against that detail.

After popping upstairs to see our resident developers for 5 minutes I returned to my desk with a nice shiny .Net application that needed pushing out to the masses ASAP.

What the dev guy came up with (Thanks Paul!) was a rather nice .Net app that simply popped up on screen and gave the end user two controlled selection lists based off our structure for Directorate and Department with a free form text field for them to populate the section as these tend to differ wildly.

Once this information had been gathered the app simply dumped it out into a registry key... somewhere I knew SCCM could scavenge it from :)

A quick sms_def.mof edit later:

// ICT Asset Logger

SMS_Report (TRUE),
SMS_Group_Name ("ICTAudit"),
SMS_Class_ID ("NELCICT-Asset-Audit1.0") ]
Class ICTAudit : SMS_Class_Template

[SMS_Report (TRUE), key]
string KeyName;
[SMS_Report (TRUE)]
string Department;
[SMS_Report (TRUE)]
string Directorate;
[SMS_Report (TRUE)]
string Section;
[SMS_Report (TRUE)]
string LastUpdate;
[SMS_Report (TRUE)]
string LoggedBy;

And then a configuration.mof edit:

#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("ICTAudit", NOFAIL)

class ICTAudit

string KeyName;
string Department;
string Directorate;
string Section;
string LastUpdate;
string LoggedBy;

[DYNPROPS] instance of ICTAudit

[PropertyContext("localHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\NELC\\ICTAuditLoggerDepartment"),Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] Department;
[PropertyContext("localHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\NELC\\ICTAuditLoggerDirectorate"),Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] Directorate;
[PropertyContext("localHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\NELC\\ICTAuditLoggerSection"),Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] Section;
[PropertyContext("localHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\NELC\\ICTAuditLoggerLastUpdate"),Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] LastUpdate;
[PropertyContext("localHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\NELC\\ICTAuditLoggerLoggedBy"),Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] LoggedBy;

This now allows us to run a modified Summary of Computers report with these additional fields added so that we can report to finance the exact number of devices per directorate and sit back while watching the money roll in!

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